your breath matters
Emergency aid, victim assistance, social assistance
Nothilfe - What is Nothilfe? Nothilfe or Emergency aid includes food, shelter and emergency medical treatment. Most of the time, you receive emergency aid in the form of vouchers or materials; rarely is money paid out. Who receives emergency aid? According to the Emergency Aid Ordinance, every person in need in Switzerland has the right to assistance. They receive emergency assistance regardless of their residence status. The causes of the emergency are irrelevant. How do I apply for emergency assistance? You apply for emergency assistance at the municipality of the canton of residence or at the social centres in the city. To do so, you fill out an application form.
Opferhilfe - What is Opferhilfe? Opferhilfe or Victim assistance supports victims of a crime and their relatives with financial benefits. Victim assistance covers the costs of dealing with the consequences of the crime or compensation for the damage. The amount of money paid out depends on the victim's financial situation. Who receives victim assistance? After a crime, all people in Switzerland have the right to assistance under the Victim Assistance Act (OHG). You will receive assistance even if you have not filed a criminal complaint. In the case of a criminal offence abroad, assistance is provided by the state in which the offence was committed. How do I apply for victim assistance? If you want to apply for victim assistance, you can do so with the support of a counsellor. Or you can fill out an application form on your own. You submit the completed application form to a recognised victim counselling centre.
Sozialhilfe - What is Sozialhilfe? Sozialhilfe or Social assistance secures the minimum subsistence level. It covers the costs of food, clothing, housing and health. Who receives social assistance? People in an emergency situation can apply for social assistance in Switzerland. Entitlement to social assistance depends, among other things, on residence status. There is no federal law on social assistance. The cantons of residence decide on the arrangement of social assistance on a case-by-case basis. How do I apply for social assistance? You can apply for social assistance at the municipality of residence or at the municipal social welfare office. To do this, you fill out a form on your own or with the help of a social counsellor.